About webLyzard technology
webLyzard is an Austrian SME founded in 2008, built on 20 years of leading R&D into semantic technologies for Web intelligence and visual analytics applications. A strong track record of research funding from national and European programs – including the 7th Framework Program (FP7) and Horizon 2020 – and successful reference projects for international clients reflect webLyzard’s technology leadership and a consistent high rate of innovation.
Clients of webLyzard include large international organizations such as NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (U.S. Department of Commerce), and the United Nations Environment Programme. Together with our strategic partner Ketchum Austria, we focus on data-driven communication and services for major consumer brands. Close ties also exist to important players in the news media industry, e.g. ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4 and Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB), with whom we work together in the Google DNI Project SONAR and the Horizon 2020 Project ReTV, respectively.
Management Team

Prof Dr Arno Scharl is the Managing Partner of webLyzard technology, who also heads the Department of New Media Technology at MODUL University Vienna. Prior to his current appointments, he held professorships at the University of Western Australia and Graz University of Technology, and was a Visiting Fellow at the University of California at Berkeley. He completed his doctoral research and habilitation at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. Additionally, he holds a PhD and MSc from the University of Vienna, Department of Sports Physiology.

Prof Dr Albert Weichselbraun is a Professor of Information Science at the University of Applied Sciences Chur. He held a position as an Associated Professor at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and was a Visiting Professor at the University of Western Australia. His habilitation thesis focused on the automated analysis of digital content with semantic methods. Dr Weichselbraun leads webLyzard’s technical development, with a special focus on the analytical methods involved. Apart from his academic work he actively participates in the improvement of related open-source products.
Contact Details and Legal Information

E-Mail: info [at] weblyzard [dot] com
Twitter: @webLyzard

Company Name: webLyzard technology gmbh
Address: Liechtensteinstrasse 41/26, 1090 Vienna, Austria
Registration Office: Handelsgericht Wien
VAT Number: ATU64547958
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